Hi, I am a 77 year old male in excellent condition. For the past five years I have had a number of cat scans and MRI for minor back problems. For five years the radiologist has (also) noted two stones in my ureter which are "just sitting there - doing nothing." My GP suggested that I have this looked at by a urologist. These stones haven't move for five years and I HAVE NO PAIN or SYSTEMS. A couple of months ago I saw a urologist for another condition and brought along my ureter test results. After, yet, another cat scan, my urologist wants me to have a ureteroscopy ..UNDER GENERAL ANESTHESIA ! I have never had general anesthesia and don't want to do this procedure just so the Doc can have "a look see," also requiring a follow up visit to remove the stint (again) under general anesthesia. Are there any alternatives for me.