Hi, I am always tired from about 5pm and have gradually put on weight all year, but my diet hasn't changed and I walk about 30mins every day. I do have fibromyalgia and CFS, but have always been fairly thin. I don't know why I'm like this, although I thought it was my thyroid from adrenal fatigue, but results were normal earlier in the year. I sleep about 7 hours sleep, more if possible, but find getting up early hard still. Do suffer from constant depression and anxiety, but use supplements to help combat this. I take Gabapentin and low dose naltrexone for the fibro and vits and mins and l-tryptophan, at jones wort for depression and l-theanine for anxiety and Siberian ginseng and ubiquenol , rhodiola and Ashwaghanda for energy too. But I still feel exhausted by tea time, then get some energy back by after 9:30pm until 10:30pm.