Hi, I am currently released from hospital as an 'out patient' as I need to have more tests dobe on my lungs and heart over the next couple of weeks after being admitted through A&E the other night. I collapsed and almost blacked out after helping my brother by pushing his car. I had an asthma attack which subsided after using an inhalor but I had chest pains, low blood sugar and threw up as well as sweating all over. I had a similar episode a few weeks ago after my blood sugar dropped from drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. When checked I had an unusual heart rate with a funny pattern.The doctors think it could be a lung infection or other problem or possible heart disease or other heart problem.
I am now experiencing hot flushes through out my whole body but my skin feels cool to touch from the outside.
I am male and 25 years old. I work as a chef in a kitchen that I believe has exposed me to carbon monoxide for a few months. Obly over those past few months has my childhood asthma flared back up and is now a real part of my life.
I have been feeling fatigued for months also, no matter how much sleep I get I still seem to be so tired my brain is confused and not functioning properly.
Wprking in that kitchen makes ot hard to eat so I rarely eat before I get home at around 11.30pm.
I do smoke, around 10-15 a day depending how stressful work is and also smoke a little bit of marijuana at night to help me wind down from work and to kick-start my appetite, otherwise I would not eat much at all ever.
I am 6ft and around 78kg, mostly muscle not body fat as before this job I was much healthier and went to the gym, now I get tired going up the stairs.
Please can you help me? Any advice would be so greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance.