I am emailing reg my Mum.
She has been ill for 8 months and is 80 years old.
It started with BP spikes, the highest being 240/140, and she has a lump on her adrenal gland.
She has been tested for Pheochrocytoma.Carcinoid, Thyroid, Cortisol. She had a 24 hr BP monitor on, and a heart monitor,and many other tests.
Her bloods have shown high inflammation, low iron, and borderline diabetes - but when redone they appear OK.
She has Follicular Lymphoma, and Collitis
She has seen a Endocronologist, and Gastroenterologist, and both can't find the cause.
Her symptoms are fluctuating BP, although in the last 8 months it is now only the top BP that rises. Episodes of nausea/no appetite, high pulse (115) shaking and flushing.
She is a very active/young for her age, and this is just bringing her down, and the doctors seems to have given up. I would be really grateful if you could help.
Many thanks, Sam