Hi, I am experiencing alot of pregnancy symtoms. While no I have not taking a test, because according to my ovulation date of conception would be only on my first week of pregnancy. I had a chemical pregnancy about two months ago took a test and two days later got told at the hospital I was no longer pregnant but had bacterial vaganosis, which I have been treated for several times and seem Everytime I go to the hospital I still have it. My partner, and me have been treated for Chlamydia and gonnarea too just to be sure that it wasn't that much more as a precautionary treatment just in case. I have been experiencing nausea, highs sense of smell, a milky discharge, haven't had a period sense December of 2014 so can't go based off that. My boobs are getting bigger and hurt along with my nipples are hard and enlarged with a milky discharge, my round ligaments have been causing cramping and I have been having alot of fatigue. Also my pee smells like cat urine I am thrown for a loop there. Could I be pregnant.