Hi. I had a colonoscopy done (1st one, and I'm 32 yo) early Tuesday morning and the surgeon took a biopsy of a 30mm polyp, which ended up being benign; however, since Tuesday I have had very very little to no appetite (I can eat if i need to but don't want to), weakness and especially shortness of breath. The pain at the biopsy site was very very bad for two days.. today I don't really have any "pain" in my abdomen, I'd just say it's "tender." But yesterday and today a new symptom started- I keep feeling like I'm going to faint/black out.. usually preceded by ringing in the ears.. lying down is the only thing that helps.. but still I "feel funny", and it comes in waves. ??
It might help to know I have a VERY slow digestive system and I think that might be why I also haven't gotten much gas out since the colonoscopy (I was told to expect a lot?).. and since they puffed my colon up with air.. perhaps that's still troubling my diaphragm and causing these issues but should resolve itself with time? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!