Hi, I had a middle ear infection for about three weeks. I was on antibiotics and I was asked to use a eardrop (Oxflacin?). Last time I saw the doc, he said my ear infection was clearing up. He suggested I finish my antibiotics and not use my eardrops unless I see some discharge. I woke up last night - around 2:30 - to find a slight, mild, (in retrospect maybe I shouldn't have panicked) discharge and I used the eardrops. Its 9:30 now and my ear STILL hurts along the ear and down the jaw... Should I wait it out or go see my doctor again? It's just that I have seen him five times already in the last few weeks for the infection and I don't want to make another trip if i can help it. (BTW, I have a perforated eardrum. My doc mentioned this during on of the visits.)