Hi, I had my gallbladder laparascopically removed 5 weeks ago, 5 days 5/3 ate a couple bites for breakfast and got severe pain under middle of ribcage in abdomen goes thru to back…spoke to docs on phone alternated pain meds, didn’t help…went to ER in evening. CT scan told no complications from surgery. Liver enzymes very high. Given Dilaudid and nausea patch.
In triage at ER BP was 151/91, and pulse 83, then while sitting up became very nauseas, flushed, sweaty, pale, and heart rate and blood pressure dropped to 80/30 and almost undetectable pulse—rushed to get EKG—after lying down was better. Can’t be upright longer than 20 mins before beginning to feel this way again since then.** Pain still continuing but lessened, still intense nausea too. Diagnosed a few days ago with Orthostatic Hypotension, but haven’t been able to determine cause.
The surgeon says he's never heard anything like it and has been dismissive.
5/12- Upper Endoscopy: small hiatial hernia, stomach some redness and bile in stomach- did biopsies to rule out h pylori infection came back (-)
Recommended Elixir medication: Carafate and increase prilosec
-pathological dx of gallbladder was chronic inflammation (testing done had not shown)
5/15 Blood tests-including adrenal testing:
-Cortisol pre-injection 17.2, after 28.2 (less than double increase), Plasma Renin 0.39, Aldosterone upright 3
Been super frustrated as I haven't been able to be upright for very long and do very much of anything including work:(...I also have 3 young kids.
Any thoughts, help would be very much appreciated!
Thank you!