Hi I had unprotected oral sex on the 12th of August on Friday then I had symptoms like diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, and dark pee like tea, and I have a weird feeling in my penis. I went to the dr and they said I had too much protein but I am very scared and worried because I read so much on the Internet and don't know who to believe.
When I had unprotected sex the girl I did it with was from a party so I don't know the girl and it was an out of state party but I heard she goes around and is very sexually active and some times does it for money.
But I received the oral sex and that was it I did not have full sex all she did was have her mouth on my penis and that was it.
One of the dr I went to said I was scarring myself sick and that I couldn't get hepatitis through oral sex but I read different online he said to trust him he went to school for this.