Hi, I have 3rd yr of 2nd mirena, irregular smears of bleeding, now thought to be coming from cervix (past 12 -18mths). Awaiting results of biopsy though gyno observed 'classic hpv'. I understand hpv can be awuired many yrs past and not be detected. I am 43, 22 yrs monogsmously partnered with 3 children 17, 15 and 11. Bloting cyclying weekly is an issue so far ignored (I am 5ft10, 76kg). Last 6 gained past 18mths. Bloating accompanied by lower back pain, recently with right hip and leg, noiceable swelling right calf/ankle. As this comes and goe shoukd I dismiss in re gyno probs. Also short sharp pains in vagina and anus (independently). Treated for endometriosis aged 19. Does hpv lesion itself bleed and what symptoms can be dismissed/separated away from this cervical concern?