Hi, I have a fairly normal period. My last period that I know for sure happened from June 19-24th 2016 on my normal 28 day cycle. Now this is where things take a turn. I had sex with my boyfriend on July 2nd, 2016 I'm guessing I was ovulating around that time. The condom broke however and he finished inside of me. So on July 3, 2016 within 12 hours after the incident I took one Afterra morning after pill. A couple of days later from July 8th-13th 2016 I bled, it seemed like my normal period. Fast forward to the end of this month, yesterday July 30th, 2016 I started bleeding again. I am really concerned and wanted to know if I may be pregnant. I am extrenely bloated and my back has been hurting me. I also feel naseous. I stopped taking birth control in may because I was no longer being covered by my university until the next semester. Thank you.