I have a head cold, managable, not serious. My Grandmother heard me coughing a bit last night, along with blowing my nose. She offered me an anti-biotic. I know the story already re: don't take antibiotics for a cold. However, this is Grandma, I take the pill, she insists it's an antibiotic but can't remember the name. Meanwhile, I check the pill bottle, it say "ATORVASTATIN CALCI 80 MG? I then check w/WebMD. The search leads me to Lipitor, a cholesterol lowering drug. My question is, did Granny give me a Lipitor pill, or did she
put the real antibotic in an OLD lipitor bottle or, is it possible that Granny has NO idea what she gave me?
the only ID on the tablets are; on one side there are the letters S G, and on the other side of the tablet is the number 155.