Hi, I have a perforated eardrum from a cotton bud accidentally getting pushed too far into my ear. I've had it for a few months now. It was highly painful and bled for a few days at first after it happend. I had a lot of trouble hearing out of it for at least 5 weeks.
So a couple weeks of it being perforated I went to the doctors because it was so blocked and was causing me so much pain. She had a look into my ear and said the drum was very traumatised by the perforation and I was put on anti biotics for 2 weeks to help get rid of the problem but they never worked.
I gave it a few more weeks because i read online that sometimes perforation of the ear goes away by it self over time.
Then everytime I yawned, burped, sneezed etc, I would feel a horrible sharp pain in my ear that started to ache my cheek and lower face. Also causing me to feel dizzy and unbalanced.
After a couple of days dealing with that I decided to take my self to hospital. I got seen by a doctor who looked into my ear. He told me he couldn't even see the eardrum as it was covered in dry blood. He noticed the pain it was causing me and how long i had been dealing with it for, so he prescribed me with Panadene Forte and referred me to an Eye and Ear docotor. He faxed them a referral and an application for an appointment for me and told me I had to wait for them to contact me to organise an appointment and that I couldn't call.
I've been waiting weeks now and still haven't heard from this clinic.
After about 3 and a bit months of having this perforated ear drum, all I can feel is blockage in my ear. And some days it gets really painful expecially when I yawn or something as its putting pressure on my eardrum because of the blockage, which I'm pretty sure it's still dry blood and probably other stuff now like wax. It has now started to smell really disgusting and the inside of my ear feels almost wet and slimy, which I think may be puss.
Does it sound like I'm going to need surgery? Or why has it taken so long to heal? It feels so uncomftable everyday feeling this blockage in my ear! :(