Hi I have been experiencing several issues for several months. I am at my wits end, seriously I want to just cry. I started with a horrible cough back in June (yes a year now) which lead into what they said an upper respiratory infection, I then had a very sever colon infection which was found because I was bleeding a lot rectally. They did a CT and confirmed. I thought that was running its course but now for the last two month maybe more I have been in pain, started out slight but I now very uncomfortable on my right side. I have had a colonoscopy and they found a polyp and removed it. They also discovered a dark intestine on my right side. they did a biopsy of both. The polyp thankfully came back negative. (oh I am 44, Dr. thought I was young for a polyp) the biopsy of the dark area did not show any use of laxatives, I guess that is what is common cause of that. I had advised the Dr I had never used laxatives but he needed to confirm. . The dr thinks it may be because of the severe intestinal infection that I had but keep watching. I went to my GYN and she said I have three small cysts on my ovaries, small fibroids and a tilted uterus. All which she does not believe is causing the severe pain in my right side. it is located in the front right middle and goes all the way to the back. it basically is now all of my right side. I have noticed as of the last few days I have been getting a nausea feeling. I can not seem to tell if It is worse when before or after I eat. I know something is seriously wrong I just cant get it figured out.