Hi, I have been feeling ill for the past 3 days. Started in the middle of the night/very early Sat morning with bad upper abdominal cramping that woke me several times. As soon as I woke up Sat morning and started moving around, severe nausea set in and I wasn't able to stay awake. I slept most of the day Saturday, Saturday night, most of the day Sunday, and laSt night. Every time I woke up to use the rest room or get up to get something to drink, immediately upon rising and starting to move around, nausea again. The extreme fatigue isn't as bad today at all but the nausea with walking/moving is still here and every time I eat anything (crackers, toast. Etc..) I feel sick. This may sound strange but I feel the nausea in my back! Does that make sense? I have had my gallbladder removed and double hernia surgery (5 years ago) and diagnosed with acute gastritis at that time but medication has always kept it under control. I am 51 and no period for 1 year.