Hi, I have been having symptoms for about 2 years. bloody diarrhea 4-7 times per day, every day, severe cramps in my lower abdomen on both sides (started on left side 2 yrs and now r side) also have severe pain on urq. do not have my gallbladder anymore, during one trip to hospital they removed it by accident. neg hida scan. had colonoscopy and egd, showed diverticulosis and barretts esophagus which I am on dexilant for. I also have asthma, am bipolar, and no uterus-so please don't tell me it's due to female hysteria. had my fill of that. i'm in so much pain I can't hardly get out of bed except to use the restroom and it comes on so fast, that about 25% of the time I don't make it to the bathroom. HELP, PLEASE!