Hi, I have been sick for about a week. Starting with a slight fever and nasal congestion. Then it started to make my whole face hurt. Even my teeth. Then, it seemed to have traveled to my throat, which is now very sore. I have an all over body sensation. At first I was achy. Now it feels more tingly and or numb. I have no sense of smell, and my thought process is lost. I have tried some homeopathic medicine for this. I have been using Vicks, on my chest, and drinking lots of peppermint tea. However my appetite is gone. Which today has made me very emotional. My two year old daughter has been sick since Friday. She isn't coughing like I am, but her nose is still runny and her head warm. She WILL NOT let me take her temp, under her arm pit. I call my DR, and talked to a nurse, she was not helpful. She wasn't really listening. Is this something that we can ride out. I will be bringing her to the Dr. in the morning, but I am concerned about my all over body sensation.