Hi. I have been to 3 dermatogist in the last 6 weeks. I believe I have scabies and all three do not altho I was given permethrian and ivermection, "just in case". Neither worked in the long term altho it seemed that maybe for a day or two I was free of this horrific disorder. I have spent over 2000 in homeopathic treatments, dr visits, burned up my dryerfrom all the high heats.. ruined a lot of my clothes because of washing in hot water, expense on pesticides, dry cleaning, creams and now I am out of a job and will haave no insurance coverage for further medical treatments. These treatments have not not worked . I have spent countless hours of worry due to fear my grandbabies will get this mite. I am emotionally and physically drained. What could I have besides the scabies mite?
What to do??