Hi I have been told I have a blocked Fallopian tube from endometreosis and scar tissue from previous abdominal surgery..I have no feeling between my hips and knees due to 2 slipped discs in my back, resulting in a colostomy being formed and I also self-catheterise due to loss of bowel and bladder control. Is it possible that endometreosis can be all over be uterus/pelvis and block a Fallopian tube? I have been told that having a special ultrasound done,putting dye in the uterus, could unblock the tube? They tested me because I had found a lump in my vagina and anus and needed to check it wasn't cancer or anything more serious. Is it also right that some women don't even have any symptoms; no pain, no bleeding, nothing? So they don't even realise they have a problem until they're trying to conceive? And every women's body is different meaning there could be a number of factors causing endometreosis?
Thank you