Hi. I have had 3 neck surgeries in the c6 area with a fusion. The first 2 were thru the front of my neck. The last one was thru the back of my neck and he cut my muscles but didnt reattach them the way they were. Did not have pt after any of the surgeries. Last surgery was 2010. In sept 2013 i had a dizzy spell and went to hosp. They did 2 mri's of the brain, eeg, cat scan and couldnt find anything. I have seen 10 doctors. The first 9 thought it was either my blood pressure, heart or vertigo. Had 3d image done of heart, 3 vngs with water/air, hearing tests, was put on sodium diet and meds. Nothing worked. Saw 10th doc who said it was my neck surgeries since no pt was done n the muscles are weak have been doing pt, exercises at home, taking lemictal 100mg. Had ct of ears and a spinning test. I still walk off balance everyday, have dizzy spells where room is moving which last a few seconds and pain in my neck. Do you have any other suggestions on what this could be or what i can take or do different? It is just frustrating Thank you