Hi, I have had Fibromyalgia for the last 20 years ,I had surgery on my lower back but this was not very successful as my bones were very badly crumbled due to Osteoarthritis . I have Reynaud's in my feet and hands and suffer with numbness and pines and needles in both hands and feet and they are always cold and blue or grey ,In the last 3-4 months I have found that standing up and putting pressure on my feet that the pain is very intense and it feels like the bones are being forced apart . I know that over the last 20 years my condition has got gradually worse ,I try not to let it get me down , just how bad is this condition going to get ? also I have found it very difficult to talk to my partner about it because of his lack of understanding .My skin is very sore to touch ,even having a shower hurts and when he tries to give me a hug it is so painful ,I know it is difficult for him to understand and I have tried giving him books and found out as much information on line ,he just wants to ignore it and pretend its not happening .kind regards Tina O'connor