Hi, I have had IBD for many years. For years I have to be near a restroom, especially after eating. I am 57 and have had many bladder and rectal accidents. Yesterday, for about half of the day I needed to use restroom several times because of diarrhea . After several bouts, the diarrhea turned into mucus. I was unable to control the diarrhea and mucus for approximately 6 hours and today I have had slight discharge. When I had the mucus problem, it was solely mucus which happened after diarrhea. Last week I had a sonogram on my uterus and wondering if this could possibly have something to do with it. In the past I have noticed that when I eat certain foods, especially nuts and sometimes chocolate I have anal leakage. I have noticed, over the last month, that upper part of my abdomen seems hard and seems to be distended. In the last six years, I have had approx. 2-3 colonoscopies. The only abnormality was inside hemorrhoids.