Hi, I have multiple health issues that no one seems to know about, first off I'm not pregnant and I don't have asthma.
I think it maybe anxiety but maybe something more?
I have nausea quite often every day actually mainly when stressed or if I wanna go outside anywhere, it also happens when I need to do a number 2.
I have heat flashes and sweat on days it's bad, every day I have shortness of breath I feel I'm not getting enough oxygen when inhaling. My stomach gets discomfort or a nervous flutter feeling a lot. When my nausea gets bad sometimes I do vomit or I get dotted vision like I'm gonna pass out.
I have loss of appetite it's so hard to eat I try to force myself but sometimes it makes it worse so I snack I eat little by little. I get dizzy sometimes and my chest aches sometimes, I could add more. I looked up as much as I could and most my symptoms seem like anxiety but I'm not sure and I can't go to see anyone who deals with anxiety Ect because of my insurance. Any thoughts? type your question here...