Hi. I have multiple symptoms that I am perplexed about. Here goes...for years I've battled lower back pain and in the last 1-2ive also experienced what initially started as being diagnosed as tennis elbow then turned into possible disc issue creating neck and arm pain. Luckily that has subsided for the most part. However, in the last 3 months I have begun having awful itchy scalp, with scabbing that also have created small lumps on my scalp from the itching I'm guessing. I know have this lymph node protruding from the back of my neck along my left side hairline. It wasn't painful at first and isn't new as I've noticed this off and on in years past never accompanied by much pain just the awkwardness of me knowing it was there now this nodual is painful and there is a streamline of pain that radiates up my scalp to the crown of my head. In the mid section of this pain "line" is tender soft and shoots pain when laid on or touched.
I've had other minor symptoms such as night sweats, odd illnesses that Mimic dehydration, weird dizzy spells and others. I've chalked all of this up to starting Vyvanse as I was recently diagnosed with ADD because of the inability to focus and my forgetfulness seeming to be worse lately. My wysiwyg has also started being noticeably worse. Is this all medication? Age, I'm 34? Infection? What? Thank you, I'm completely perpelxed and looking for some guidance on this Friday night so that I might be able to relax instead of read the articles online and spook myself out.
Thank you!!!