I have pain exactly around the navel area and in the intestine side. I have a bloated tummy for quite a few years now. My gastro has initially diagonosed acid peptic disease, IBS, and gave me the following tablets- MacRabonik 1-0-1 - for 15 days , VSL3 -1-0-1 for 14 days. I was feeling alright after having this. But now since few weeks again i am having the pain around my stomach. I also got mouth ulcers this time. I feel i have ulcers in my stomach. My throat and lips become dry and drawn inside during night while sleeping. When i am active through the day , i am not that conscious of the pain only slightly. Only during late evenings and night i have the pain when i am idle or sleep. Doc has advised a scan and endoscopy. Please advise me with the best medicine to get cured off this completely as i am certain that this must be due to ulcers in my stomach only.