Hi, I just found out that a person I've known for almost 15 years has been giving me meth in my food and drinks for years. I have been on vyvanse for a long time so what I've found out is that if you are on vyvanse for example and you also take meth, the drug test will be negative for meth. This guy made me an egg sandwich, an hour later I had to fight to leave, I felt like I was going to have a heartattack. He froze my phone, I couldn't call 911, he wouldn't let me use his either. There was heavy snow outside, I'm surprised I made it out alive. This guy was serving me crown and cranberry juice and spiking everything with meth, he also was getting my vyvanse and giving me that too without my knowledge. I went to the police and hosputal, had multiple tests including an EKG. I'm scared.