I met my 11 year old student after school in the nurses. Her ears were bright red, cheeks flushed, hands trembling, some sweating. No nurse on site after school. She had her P.E. clothes on, had been running in the gym. She had been bullied before class by someone pinching her repeatedly on the upper left arm and once on the back. She was agitated. Her starting pulse was 115 but she had calmed to 88 by the time I got there. Asked about what she'd eaten - for lunch she had a slushy and chips. Breakfast a "bar". I gently ran my hand up and down her spine with no pain. Her color got better as I was there. She was in a cool room. I suggested Gatorade to restore electrolites and to see if the sugar etc would help with shaking hands. She had ice on the place she was pinched - local redness only. I positioned her so that the iced arm was relaxed on a table instead of head out at a weird angle. By the time I left, only her right, unattended arm was still shaking, she seemed to have her sense of humor back, her color was good, pulse good.I would have said heat exhaustion "enhanced" by bullying. What say ye?