Hi, I was reading one part of info on this website regarding Nicotine replacement therapy. I notice that one side affect of patches may be 'New' SVT. Mainly because my now almost 33 year old daughter had an episode and diagnosis of SVT 2 years ago whilst using nicotine patches. Below is the info I am referring to. I am trying to understand whether this is a condition she was born with and was dormant or if it was triggered by the patches? Note where it says ' New ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia'
For Healthcare Professionals
Applies to nicotine: compounding powder, inhalation device, nasal spray, oral transmucosal gum, oral transmucosal lozenge, transdermal film extended release
Cardiovascular effects have included increases in heart rate and blood pressure. New ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia, increase in PVC frequency, less supraventricular arrhythmia, less arrhythmia and lower heart rate, new ST segment depression, and an improvement in ST- or T-wave changes have been reported in patients with coronary artery disease given transdermal nicotine for smoking cessation. The average heart rate and incidence of arrhythmias or angina has not been shown to be significantly different from baseline while smoking and during transdermal nicotine therapy in patients with coronary artery disease. In patients with coronary artery disease, nicotine may cause coronary artery vasoconstriction. Myocardial infarction has been rarely associated with the use of nicotine patches. Some of these patients were also smoking (receiving a greater than recommended dose of nicotine) and some may have had underlying coronary artery disease. At least one case of intracerebral hematoma has also been reported.[Ref]