Hi. I was wondering if you have any advice on diet and natural (non medication) treatment for severe gastritis and ibs? I can find pleanty of info on treating one or the other, but it seems anything good for gastritis is bad for ibs and vice versa. I have been sick for almost 11 months, lost my job and home because of this, and have since been bed ridden approxinatley 20 hours a day because of the pain and other symptoms.
Short medical history- i have also been recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have a long history or mental health issues, including bulimia which i think could have caused my stomach problems in the first place. No one online on any site seems to have gastritis as well as IBS. Please help me, would you advise a water fast (21+ days) or any other radical method?
Thankyou in advance,
Robyn x