Hi, I went skydiving today and had a cold with a very runny nose and congested sinuses. On my way up to 14000 feet, I was able to equalize my ears by using the valsalva technique in which you pinch your nose and try to blow out. On my way down through free fall I had not encountered any pain, but when the parachute was pulled I had excruciating pain in my ears like they were bleeding and I was not able to hear. I went about 5 hours ago and my ears have still not been able to equalize. I can not hear well at all and still have a fair amount of pain in my ears as well as a ringing sound. I tried going to a walk in clinic but by the time I had gotten home, they were closing up. I tried buying some sudafed decongestant to see if it helps me clear my ears. Is it possible that I perforated my ear drum? If so, how will I know? Should I visit a doctor in the morning?