Hi. I'm 17, and have been having irregular and prolonged periods for 3 months after generally having them regular, for how many days they lasted. Sometimes the day they come will change but always once a month. I am average weight and don't exercise too frequently, no chance of having been pregnant. A couple months ago my period came 2 weeks early and lasted almost 15 days til I took ibuprofen to get it to stop, next month It came around the time I'd regularly been having them lately but it also lasted extra long. I took ibuprofen around day 9 or 10 and it stopped. This month it's around the time for my period, and instead of the usual starts out dark brown or reddish it was a bright red spot that has since this morning when it started, faded into light brown discharge and varies from red or brown but not progressing like it does normally, it's barely there. About a week ago I had brown discharge for half a day, seemed like my period was starting but I hadn't had symptoms and it was early. Is this something I can fix naturally at home without having to consult a doctor? Would prefer to do it naturally. Am very distressed though and would love peace of mind, is this normal for a teenage? Should I just wait it out? I really don't want to be put on chemical filled med from Dr if I don't have to and can cure this or stop worrying and wait it out.