Hi, I'm 37 years old and had 3 of my wisdom teeth extracted 7 weeks ago. The recovery was slow and the side where I had 2 teeth removed just healed up completely about 5 and a half weeks in. One morning I woke up with blood in my mouth and as I pushed on my jaw I had milky yellowish fluid coming out. 2 days later I went back to the oral surgeon and he said it was healed, and that he didn't want to open it back up again. He proscribed me antibiotics for the second time (different than first kind). I now have a half a golf ball sized lump on my jaw, it hurts when I bite down and. I have finished the second round of antibiotics, and I don't think it helped at all, if anything it got worse. Going back to the OS tomorrow, not sure he is taking this very seriously, but I feel like this should be done after over 7 weeks. What do you think?