Hi, I'm Andrea and I'm enquiring about my 10 year old niece Diana, who lives in Crestwood, KY. Since December 1st, she's had a pretty severe abdominal pain which feels like someone punched her in the stomach. Tonight I spoke to her Mom (my sister) and also spoke to her as well and was asking all different questions. So here goes: No fever, blood & urine came back normal, blood sugar normal, normal bowel movements, etc. Today they did an ultrasound of her abdomen and found nothing. She said she is having headaches, feels dizzy and feels like she's going to faint, very lethargic and wants to sleep all the time. She feels nauseous all the time and throws up about 1x a week. They didn't want to do MRI or Cat Scan due to her age and afraid of affecting her insides. Told my sister to wait for next appt. at Pediatric Gastroenterologist which is Dec. 23rd or go to hospital in Cincinnati. I told her to get a 2nd opinion and call around to other local Pediatric Gastroenterologist's and possibly go to hospital in big city Cincinnati, OH. Told her to put her on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce & toast) and keep her hydrated with water and Gatorade for electrolytes. I'm really concerned and want to help her. She needs to figure out what is wrong and address it. Afraid something might happen which will be life threatening or something. HELP PLEASE!!! :)