Hi, I'm Grace. I don't know what just happens to me about a minute or two ago, but, this is what happened...
I went outside to sit with my mother friend, then I looked around and saw something in the ditch on the side of the house in front of us,(I live in a house on the corner of the road), and I thought it was a bird so I asked my mothers friend and she said she could not tell and for me to go check it out. I went to ask my dad before I went and he was talking to his friend which is my mothers friends husband, so I waited for like a second or two and then it happened... I go dizzy and then my vision go really blurry like and then my vision got to the point where EVERYTHING was pitch black, and the next thing I knew I hit my head on something, and when my vision got to where I see again, I was on the ground, crying, and my head hurt where I got hit by whatever hit me, and I have a head ache now too. My dad says I'm find, but I don't know how I got on the ground and why what happened, happened. Also, no one will really listen to me and they just say that I stood up to fast, but I have stood up fast before and I just got dizzy and my vision did not go pitch black at all not even black not even a little bit, I just got dizzy. I don't know how I ended up on the ground but I did. I'm scared and I'm still kind of crying. I have a big bruise where I got hit by whatever hit me, and there is a small like scrape in the middle I like skinned it. I got hit right above my left eyebrow. I don't understand what happens or why but I'm SCARED!!! Please help me.
(P.S. I am a 13 year old girl, named Grace, in 7th grade and about to be in 8th grade, and todays date is...
Friday, May 29th,2015 at 7;47pm.)