Hi, I'm Laura. I visited the ER or ED(whatever you call it) last night. I've been having severe intermittent stabbing pain in my upper (mostly) & lower (somewhat) left abdomen. I've also been having daily migraines for almost 3 weeks now. I just started on some migraine medication, along with Benadryl, daily, that my new pcp prescribed. In ER, they treated my pain & ran a bunch of tests( blood & urine labs, CT scan) then ruled any "life threatening illnesses" , but said I do have kidney stones but they're not concerned about them right now; they also said my WBC is up. These sound like possibly very general symptoms, to me, but I am concerned about the daily migraines & increased WBC count ( which, is abnormal for me). Should I be concerned? What might this be? Am I just being a worry-wart?