Hi, I'm a 17 year old female who excessively sweats throughout the day. As soon as I out on clothes, I'll start getting really hot and proceed to sweat; specifically under my arms and upper back. (Mind you, I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt with a spaghetti strapped undershirt underneath) I've tried numerous different deodorant brands, (currently using Old Spice: Wolfthorn) and I don't think the deodorant is the issue. It's just me. I'm 5'7, and weigh 120 pounds. (Not sure if that comes play). I try to be as "clean" as possible (shave daily, shower daily, spray perfume daily, apply deodorant in morning + afternoon) but nothing seems to help the fact that I sweat so much. Could this just be the fact that I do have an excessive sweating disorder? Also, my high school is really hot (it's 85 outside; it's 90+ inside) so that makes it even worse. Sad to say, but I noticed that I do tend to leave sweat stains on my chair and also my back is unusually wet. What can I do about this issue? I'm a senior and the last thing I need in my life is for someone to remember me as the sweaty girl they unfortunately sat next to.