Hi, I'm a 24 year old female. At the moment I'm also pregnant. Though this has been a problem since middle school I've never thought anything of it until now. I've always drank plenty of water and still been told by doctors I was dehydrated and it was causing a lot of my health issues. It became a problem recently because I keep going into early labor, the doctors have given a few reasons as to why but they don't seem to settle on one and put me on some medicine to try to keep it from happening again. Something consistent though each time is that apparently I'm dehydrated. I drink around 1 to 2,gallons of water a day. It's easy to keep track because I have a water filter container in my fridge I'm constantly filling up. I am always thirsty and keep a glass around me constantly sipping. I've had my glucose levels checked because I'm pregnant and we're well past that comon test and a most of not all of them I believe now. I'm not diabetic they said. But I'm curious why else for half of my life am I always dehydrated, always have to pee like a horse, I could go on and on about my symptoms I've delt with for years but I doubt that they are all related how could they be. But I'm still curious if this hits a note with anyone.