I'm not too sure what kinds of questions you doctors are really qualified to give answers to, but here it goes.
For the past week I've been having this shedding of something (I want to say shedding of skin but I'm not sure) on the head of my penis. I'm uncircumcised if that means anything.
When I pull the foreskin back, all looks normal until I rub on it a little and after a short while, there's an excess amount of this stuff. Also, there's usually a clumpy cheesy kind of gunk there too. I think it's called smegma? But I've had this before, when I wasn't washing my mate often enough properly. Problems went away after I washed him really well and kept up with it.
Well this is persistent. No matter how many times I wash underneath, it keeps coming back. It doesn't have much of an odor... an odor of just very slight smegma. I was looking online and it could be Reeveys?
It's been peeling so much that it's a little raw now. It doesn't burn, it only slightly itches when I keep bothering it and forcibly peel the skin off with my thumb.
This is really embarrassing for me, as I've been keeping off on sexual activities with my boyfriend because of it. Please help! Thank you!