Hi! I'm quitting methadone cold turkey 20 mgs. I'm on day 18 when I told my doctor he was upset a)because I jumped off at 20mg b) probably upset he will lose another cash paying pill patient. I currently have a ruined summer as I'm out of work till September with a shattered ankle of all things when you want to swim without some giant cover on your leg. Anyways. I told him I have an addictive personality but I want a non narc Rx and I want colodone for with drawls. And my usual Valium I've taken since cancer. But just learned how addictive Valium is so I cut that cold turkey 5 days ago. I don't taper. All or nothing. While detox Is Mostly Psychological but the withdrawals are physical and dangerous. 28 days to break a habit. But I'm worried about abusing the tramadol. I'm a bad patient. I walk across the apt with a water and a pill to the rest room. Within 30 seconds quarter, credit card, straw, and it's up my nose. I'm trying to quit methadone and get my life and personality back. My w/D's have gotten so much better but IV always been able to walk away from tramadol. I thinks it's mental I miss the habit crush lineup snort. So I'm asking throw away the tramadol, think I stop snorting, I know I can. Plus I'll be going thru physical rehab at the same time as detox. I just figured 4 precious summer months wasted might as well detox. I don't wish a broken ankle on anyone plastic covers for shower, industrial covers for the pool, rt foot so hope ur not driving with on me in the road with you. Advice on the throwing away the tramadol or wait the full 28 day habit breaker ?