Hi. I'm tying all this in a short way. I have bipolar, depression and anxiety (big time.) I hurt all the time, no relief from it. I have digestive problems including pancreatits . They have me diagnosed with about every single thing out there known to mankind for stomach issues. The last month or so, I've been noticing that my speech has gotten worse, I can't remember to spell words that I should know how to spell. I can't even finish a sentence without having to stop 1 or several times to think of the word I want to say. I can't remember what doctors told me, I get confused as to what meds I'm suppose take and if I actually ordered it. I did receive about 5 maybe 6 ECT treatments in Nov. 2010-March 2011. I need help here. Am I raising red flags of alzhemiers? Am I just tired? I hurt at night and don't sleep well, other times I sleep quite well. My memory and communication are scaring me, and I feel panicked about it. Can you tell me what to do right now? Can you please help me? I know you don't know me, but I really need advise. F, 43,