Hi, I've been having pain on my right side (flank)off and on x 3 days. frequent urination, only a little comes out, and theres a little blood visible in my urine, plus my bladder hurts after voiding really bad for awhile. This morning I started having pain on the left side too. it came out of nowhere and no position is comfortable or lessens the pain. I have Interstitial Cystitis which gets so severe that i had "bladder distention" in the hospital about 7 mos ago and I went to pain management and was put on a pain killer that i take twice a day. I also have a history of kidney stones, which have required urethral stent placement a few times, but most of the time the stones just pass on their own within a few days. This feels like kidneystone pain, it hurts quite a lot, but it's not to the point that requires hospitalization. Should I even bother going to the ER? Are my kidneys and urinary tract actually in danger? My pain is about a 7 out of 10, but to be honest, sitting in the ER waiting room for hours and hours sitting straight up in a wooden chair and not being able to move around and at least TRY to get comfortable is going to increase my pain - probably make me vomit - and feel worse. I took my last pain pill about 5 hours ago and it is wearing off. Should I go to the ER? I just feel like this has happened so many times and I think that if this is kidney stones that they will pass in a day or two... if I can somehow toughen out the discomfort is it okay to just stay home? Or am I possibly causing further harm to my body if I don't go to the ER? What are your thoughts? (My first stone and kidney obstruction was age 15. Im now 46) I know my kidney is not completely obstructed because Im still passing urine, the pain is not a 10 out of 10, and the pain seems to have moved downward over the last 12 hours.