I've recently reviewed my bloodwork, and my T4 has dropped a full point since 2014. I was 5.4 in 2014 and now it is 4.4. My TSH is normal, see below.
4.4 zzzug/dL (Low) Date:Apr 07, 2016 12:09 p.m. CDT Reference Range:5.5 zzzug/dL - 12.0 zzzug/dL
My symptoms include, weight gain 30 lbs since 2013, pre-mature gray (starting at age 42...I am almost 50%gray now), brain frog and depression. Both my mother and brother have hypothyroidism. My doctor says that I don't have it, and I feel he isn't testing me thoroughly enough. He refuses to test Free T4 & Free T3 until 6 months pass. Should I see an endocrinologist?
1.186 Date:Apr 07, 2016 12:09 p.m. CDT Reference Range:0.300 - 5.000