Hi. My family and I have been suffering from we have no idea what. We have been to the hospital without a simple even test to see what is causing this. It started out as what I thought was peeling skin. Then to a stinging when we felt like Sandy stuff on our furniture. But unable to see. No it isn't morgellons. It was diagnosed as scabies. But we have no traces of that and have treated everything! After two months of this. My daughter(5) and myself also female seem to be the worst. It stings to shower as if your being blasted by sharp sand as they hit u. Severe migraines, diahrea, fatigue, sleep cycle interruptions, and mental confusion(not sure if all of these are involved but just stating what everyone is having). Also I've noticed that if we use alcohol or Hermes wipes it is almost like they invade the hand! My hands have random paper cut like slits all over from trying to use anything on myself. When I do my daughter's hair her forehead instantly looks red and like tiny red veins all over. Could the tie i thought that was becoming ingrown have been a hook or pin or any kind of worm? Please help us! When I treated the tie that's when it started. Our hair is breaking and we feel them on our face mouth nose and my daughter is now vomiting and having severe migraines! When I added a cold tag to get forehead it seemed to make other areas become red and move down her body. When they're all in one spot you can see them but like I said they look like tiny red strings , and nearly impossible to see! Also I should state we thought we were seeing sparkles but it's almost like a wet trace from them penetrating or going acrossed? I have no idea what this is .