Hi, My last period was July 1, 2015, and did HPT (4) and they all had a faint line. Went and did blood work and HCG is 16.82. Had a TVS at 3 weeks gestation (Aug. 10th) and there was nothing but fluid 22.6 * 12.8 in cul-de sac, endometirum was 10.7 mm and cervix was 30 mm. Also to note that my uterus is interverted. After TVS had slight bleeding on and off with slight clot (slimy but no tissue) but does not flood a pad and only when I wipe. I did another HPT and it was negative. I feel bloated, breasts tender, slight lower back tenderness but not pain. I feel pregnant like I was 14 years ago with my daughter. Please let me know what you think.