Hi, Recently I was admitted (in July) to the ER. I usually have low blood pressure, but it spiked up to 165/? and my heart rate was up to 143.
They gave me a low dose of blood pressure medicine to bring it down.
Went to my Primary physician. tested for vitamin dificiencies, lyme diseses, not sure what test. Have not had a normal bowel movement since July 9. # weeks ago i had a colonoscopy, all was good. my primary physician prescribed me water pills to help regulate my blood pressure; and its working. But I have extreme fatigue most days and heAvy legs and arm. I try to swim at least every other day. The GI doctor told me to take myralax a much as needed. I take it between 3-4 times per day, so i can go in the morning. At the ER, previously stated. had ct scan of her echo, exray, and cardiogram. all was good. I don't know where to proceed. I have no blood in my stools, no heartburn. All my blood work came out fine. kidney, liver, etc, HELP