Hi. Thank you for your time and energy. I have had a small bump between my left eye and nose. It is on my nose, but it is imposing on my sinuses. It has been there off and on for two years now. Never getting larger than the size of a small pea. Three months ago my right eyelid developed an irritation, which just struck me as being a cyst. It did sort of "blind me." As it made it difficult to lift my eyelid, therfore, my eye sort of dropped. Meanwhile, at this same time, I had the bump near my left eye bother me so bad that I hardly opened my eyes fully. The strain of opening my left eye was deeper than that of my right. Since the summer, the right eye is normal, but I can feel the pressure of this bump near my left eye. (it sits next to the corner of my eye, but is on my nose) I figure this was sinusitis but now I feel otherwise. I can feel the weakness fostering in my left eye. I have become very irritable this past week and have thought it is because of pent up pressure. I have really been breathing through my right nostril and my left is clogged. As I have been doing breathing excercises and all things that could open my sinuses, it has all been done to no avail. I am able to crack my head (different areas from my eye sockets, to my nasal cavity. From my temporal lobes to the base of my neck. I am able to crack with relative ease, depending on how deep my breaths are but my problem seems to be worse than before. I worry that this sinus buildup mixed with cracking different compartmets of my skull is actually moving the drainage deeper into my head. Also, I have felt very fatigued, (getting plenty of water) no appetite and overall have been frail my vision. Sunglasses inside to reduce the strai. Also, my headaches are worsening and have localized near my left temporal lobe. Please help any way thank you