Hi. Well I am a seriously competitive soccer player training at the highest level for my age. I am around 16, a few months from 17. Starting end of January this year I started getting a really bad burning paper in my quads. Gradually, it became worse and I'm continually needing more and more rest. I can only play a fraction of games and the pain is sometimes intolerable. It gets worse and worse the more I exert myself, especially when sprinting. If I jog for 10 to 15 minutes I start feeling the burning, but if I sprint a couple times I start feeling the burning right away. My doctor thought it was meralgia parathetica because I was wearing spandex so I stopped and mid April the burning pain seized for about two weeks. Coincidentally or maybe relevant, i got minor hamstring and groin strains during the two weeks the burning went away. I still played with the strains a little, they went away, and my legs felt great and I could run much faster and longer. Then the burning came back. I ruled out a spinal problem that could be disrupting my nerve with a MRI on my lower back, which was clean (although may be it could be an upper back issue). I took 9, yes nine blood tests and that led to nothing. Thyroid, sodium, potassium, iron, vitamins, rheumatoid factor, B12, and 2 others were all normal. Now I am pressing my doctor to get me an EMG. I've seen a lot of these complaints about burning feeling all over the Internet, with many atheletes finding no solution. My issue is debilitating and messing up my soccer. I am being recruited by colleges and really want to fix my problem or at least get a definite diagnosis. Pretty much the burning feeling feels like that sensation you get after running a marathon or holding a squat position for 5 minutes. It sucks a lot. Even typing this is making my arm muscles start to burn. Please tell me anything ideas you have about what it could be. My mom was thinking may be compartment syndrome, although that is rare and would suck to have.