Yesterday, a friend was throwing me a pair of snorkels and it accidentally hit me in the head. Immediately after it happened, I grabbed onto my head because the pain was very sharp. At the top of my head just above the hair line was an indention about the size of my index finger. below the indention, a lump began to form. After the incident I began to feel very tired. I also had an ache in my head where the indention was present. A few hours later, I applied Ice to the injured area. The swelling went down however, a hard lump remained with the indention on top. Today a day later, the indention is still there and the hard lump. I am having headaches come and go throughout the day in different areas of my head. I also feel like I have a sinus type of pressure in my head. Should I be seeing a doctor for this? will the indention go away on its own? Is it something to worry about? Any help with be useful.