Hi, about 7 weeks ago, I cut my scrotum while "manscaping." The cut was pretty bad and was painful. A few days after the cut, I noticed a nasty-looking abscess over the cut. Then a few weeks after that, I began to experience a couple of symptoms: burning and itching of the anus, and, much more alarmingly, I began to feel constantly on the edge of ejaculation. I went to the ER and to a urologist, who did a CT scan to rule out cancer and other growths. I guess I really didn't feel sure about the answer I got. I am taking ciproflaxacin antibiotics, but tt's been about 4 or 5 weeks since I started the ejaculation symptom, and it is really awful, socially and professionally. My imagination about what is happening is that things are so inflamed internally down there that the prostate is being squeezed, causing the sensation of semen almost coming out. I do orgasm very easily, and even the sight of a moderately attactive woman can send me reeling! Thanks for any insight.