Hi about a month ago I was under a lot of pressure , started to have sleeping problems and it gradually got worst , heart stared palpitate and some purp that mage me anxious and it further aggravate the situation my sleeping has beeen severely effected. I went to ER twice and blood test show all is normal but recommended to follow up with my doctor to do 48 hours heart minutia test. And I did and waiting for the result. Last night I took two tynelol pm 500 mg, got some sleep. This eve I took two 750 mg gaba pill with two 2.5 mg melatonin but still feelin heart palpitation. A contour on duty on weekend prescribed me Dil Tiazem X-RAY 120 mg. I am scare to take this med. in general I am very health and take no medication . Is my heart palpitation temporary or is something really wrong? Should it gradually go away? I have been taking easy, no work for about two weeks. I just want to sleep so I can function ? What can I do get some sleep without taking this med? Never mind, I thought thus was a free service.